Scientists: predator plant feeds on ants

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Plant represents "tubal" prankster who eats ants and grows in Indonesia living proof that savvy alone is not enough to trump the prey, but there are natural factors help to capture the prey and feeding them.

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Scientists said that a plant to grow in Ahma lane on the island of Borneo Indonesian areas usually take advantage of the natural fluctuations in the weather for the monument to Fajakhh slippery snatch and feeds on swarms of ants once, instead of that feeds them individually. And ensures Find Asian types of tubal plant, which took its name from the trumpet-like shape of the leaves, which represents a trap in which slip insects. And when they are wet edge trumpet plant they become slippery dramatically, falling to the ants, which runs on the surface and it becomes an easy prey to this predator plant.

However, in the sunny weather warm, dry surface trumpet and is safe for the conduct of ants. Therefore, the teams of ants exploratory trips take the survey and collect nectar fresh from the plant "tubal" before it closed due to their nests to tell her peers whereabouts of this delicacy. Then going swarms of ants, which told the importance of nectar, then towards the plant "tubal" (trap) and is oblivious, in search of food, to be out of rhythm, because the plant would then deliberately to make the slippery trap can not escape from it. Therefore, the plant may be left members of the Boy Scouts of ants in the event of the process, but he cheated swarms over a number of Ilthmha in the end.
Exploitation of natural factors to catch prey
The plant produces "tubal" sugary sap to make a trap slippery and wet, through the intensification of water vapor at low levels of moisture compared to the surfaces of other plants. This contributes to the revitalization of the trap during the afternoon when the insects are most active during the day are still roaming the place.
He said Ulrike Bauer, a biologist at the University of Bristol, UK, who led the study, which was published in the journal (Proceedings Of The Royal Society B) competent to publish scientific reports of the Royal Society, that the plant is not intelligent human sense of the word, he is not able to draw up a plan, for example, , but naturally not take mercy and turn to one of the successful strategies to provide nourishment.

It is noteworthy that there are about 600 species of this broiler plant in the world, and usually grows tubal plant in the living places of scarce food, making it tends to grab a prey animal to feed them. Most of these species and catch insects, but few of them hunt small mammals and collect droppings to feed on them.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.